Thursday, March 29, 2012


The kids love when Franny comes in for a visit. Her and Ian built a ginormous, long train out of some blocks the yesterday, it took lots of focus.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm surprised it was so long... it was very wobbly on the round blocks. But, they had a blast, that's all that matters. It's so wonderful to have help like this every once in a while! Like, earlier in the week when Jackie helped me clean out Ian's room and get rid of a bunch of clothes!

For those of you who don't have facebook, we took the kids to take bluebonnet pictures earlier this week, I'm in love!!

I know what you're thinking, adorable. Ha! It was really quick, but lots of fun! We're still here, and still doing fine. All that I can say, is thank goodness I have a chiropractor grandma, awesome parents, awesome friends, and great kids. My arm feels like it's almost back to normal now. I feel for my mom know who's had these tense shoulder problems before, it literally immobilizes you! She wasn't messing around. :)


Monday, March 12, 2012

Run Ian, Run!

Over the weekend, Ian ran his first race!

Everyone lining up.

Reading after his run.
He had so much fun! He ran with his papaw. Afterwards, he tole me that he needed to run it 3 more times. Oh, Ian. You're adorable.

Day 2 of Gluten Free diet for Ian has worked out well. And, we've already begun to notice a difference, I think. It's really too soon to speak... so I'll update more on that at the end of spring break.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


A couple of days ago I wrote a post entitled "tired" but it was from my kindle fire and I got frustrated with how slow typing was, so that post is no more. But, I have news, I'm still tired. Ha! The kids have been on a new level of crazy lately. Maybe it's the season? Every single day, Ian has gotten into his fish tank. Yes, it has a child safety latch on it, yes, he can undo it. We're looking around for one that's harder to open. Anyways, he puts things in the tank and does other crazy things. Like, gets a cup and gets scoops of water then throws it all over his room. The messy and dirtiness of my house is starting to make me feel like a crazy person (anxious mostly).  I really can't keep up. A scenario, if you will. I went to do the dishes a couple of days ago, I come back 15 minutes later to find Ian, I find this:
That used to be a train table.
I was really upset about it. I walked into his room, saw this, and cried. I know, that seems a little ridiculous. But, this was about day 10 in a row of seeing crazy scenes like this, there were toys in the fish tank, and I just couldn't handle it. The situation showed me that Ian actually is really empathetic. He wanted to make me happy, so he made me come back into his room, which looked like this:
He tried to fix it.
Other than that, the kids are actually really good. Mila is saying "Uh Oh!" all the time now. Ian runs in his first race really soon, hopefully I'll be able to take some pictures.
Mila trying to wake up her brother.
Well, Mila is awake now, so I got to go. Tomorrow is Stephen's birthday though, pretty excited!
