Good Tuesday everybody! I think I'm going to try and add a little bit of spice to my Ten on Tuesday. If Stephen will agree, I want him to post on here so we'll both be posting on Tuesdays! We will see if it works.
(Please don't forget to check out Chelsea's blog. And if you decide to do the Ten on Tuesday, leave her a comment!)
1. What gift are you most proud of giving?
Like... ever? Hmmm... I think I'm most proud of my thoughtful gifts. I never give gifts that I'm not proud of. For example, I got Stephen a new computer that he so desperately needed. I got my dad a special flashlight for walking. I research each and every one of my gifts. I fit the person to the gift. I don't have one that I am most proud of. They all take the cake.
2. What's the best gift you've ever received?
My fiance! Cheesy? Probably. But the best gift I ever received was on Valentine's Day this year (2009), when he proposed to me! I was very excited. I am always excited about my presents. Anything that anyone gives me holds a special place in my heart. Ask Stephen. I refuse to get rid of anything.
3. In honor of Chelsea's husband: What's the worst injury you've ever had?
The worst injury ever was my 2nd knee surgery. It was extremely painful. I had to learn how to walk all over again. Horrible. Terrible. No good. Very bad. Injury.
4. They say everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. Who's 15 minutes has gone on far too long? (The Gosselins are not acceptable answers, be more creative.)
Michael Lohan. 'nough said.
5. You have 20 minutes and $1000. What do you buy?
A new computer. Or savings for Ian. I don't know. I'm a terrible decision maker. I'd probably spend 5-10 minutes on the phone with Stephen and the remainder of the time spending the money.
6. Tell me three blogs that I need to read.
Oh dear. Let me open up my Google Reader:
Design Mom - she has some wonderful ideas on there. It really lets me channel my creative side. I love it.
Pray for Dylan or
Profoundly Seth - I recommend these if you're looking for stories of people's lives. Pray for Dylan is about a baby with infant leukemia. Profoundly Seth was originally for a child with a hearing impairment, but now the blog has taken a more personal, real life role. Both of these blogs tug at my heart strings but give me hope at the same time.
Bakerella - I love this blog. She is insane. She makes wonderful looking food! It's actually where I got the recipe for Ian's banana birthday cake from. Wonderful. Read! Follow!
Yes, I realize that's 4 blogs. Don't judge me. I could have put 10.
7. Would you rather go without pizza or ice cream for the rest of your life?
Pizza for sure. I hate pizza. This one is easy.
8. Would you rather go to a beach or a snowy mountain?
Snowy mountain. I've been to lots of beaches. I want to see me some snowy mountains.
9. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
I can be a night owl if need be. But, in general, I'm a morning person. I don't think I've ever slept passed 10 a.m. It's a waste of the day if that happens.
10. What word do you always misspell?
Receive. I always handwrite it right. But, I always type it wrong. It drives me completely insane.
ETA: Stephen will post his answers tonight after work!
1. What gift are you most proud of giving?
Amanda's engagement ring.
2. What’s the best gift you ever received?
I would have to say its a tie, my graduation gift which was a trip to Cancun from my parents, and my kick butt computer I am typing on right now from Amanda.
3. In honor of Chelsea's husband: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Well although i have taken many sharp blows to the balls, and numerous falls i have never really had a SERIOUS injury.
4. They say everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. Who’s 15 minutes has gone on far too long? (The Gosselins are not acceptable answers, be more creative.)
Now thats not fair because they are the first ones that come to mind. Buuut i guess any political pundit who loves to yell on TV
5. You have 20 minutes and $1000. What do you buy?
Assuming there is no lady of the day on the corner? I would have to make a Fry's run
6. Tell me three blogs that I need to read.
Got nothing for ya on that, i don't blog.....except for this of course....
7. Would you rather go without pizza or ice cream for the rest of your life?
I would defiantly have to go without pizza. There are many replacements for pizza, nothing for ice cream.
8. Would you rather go to a beach or a snowy mountain?
That would have to depend on the season and the location. Although, i would love to retire on a beach, a snowy mountain would just be to cold.
9. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
Been both at different times, even at the same times, but now, I'm neither at the time
10. What word do you always misspell?
Many, if it wasn't for spell check i would drive people batty with my writing