Thursday, December 17, 2009

What are you doing under there?

Currently, I am making bacon, eggs, and bagel for breakfast. It's a feast. I have a crown or root canal today, we haven't decided yet. So, I want to insure that this meal is a delicious meal. I think it will be.

Last night, Ian and I went over to Cynthia's to eat dinner. It was delicious! Cynthia is a good cook. Amia is hilarious. We used to always joke that Ian and Amia are boyfriend and girlfriend. Ian will just have a sugarmomma. Technically, they are only 2 years apart. I think that they took it to heart.

Adorable. I don't know why we haven't been hanging out more. Hopefully it'll become a frequent experience. Today's post is uber short. I have to get to preparing for the day. It was supposed to be about my camera today, I think.... /sigh.

Blog out.

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