Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Ian and I joined Crystal, Franny, and Justin today for lunch. And boy was it tasty! We went to O's. Delicious. Marty could have made it complete.

It was such a pretty day today! I failed to get any pictures of Crystal, so obviously, we are going to have to do it again.

Ian took a bit to warm up to Justin. But he did. And they had so much fun together! Thanks to Justin for allowing me to have a meal without a baby in my lap! Though, Justin did have Ian in his lap... and he had to share his food.

Obviously these two were just made for the camera. :)

I'm hoping that this becomes an every single Wednesday thing. And believe it or not, I did get a picture of Franny, but I'm scared that she'll be mad if I post it because she's getting crunk on the phone. :) I'll save it for my special Franny post.

Blog out!

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