Monday, March 22, 2010

Mommy Goggles

For real, Ian is the cutest baby alive. He was sick last week, with an ear infection and some other sort of sinus thing. He's better now. So, I thought that sleeping would be good again. Which now that I say that outloud, when was it ever good? It has been taking us 3+ hours to get Ian to sleep every night. It's a little bit ridiculous. I don't know what the deal is. I hope it ends soon. I now know why Ian is so freakin' cute.

My aunt let me borrow her 35mm lens this weekend to see if I like it enough to buy it. Stephen is all pictured out, and from the looks of it, so is Ian.

I need some new models. He is always giving me squinty eyes when I try and take a picture of him. And, he down right REFUSES to look at me. So, models please? :) I need to give my aunt her lens back!

In other Ian news... 19.5 pounds. We're still trying to reach 20! I feel like I may throw a party when we get there. Maybe it'll be at the same time of his 2 year birthday. Ian got to spend some time with my parents this weekend, apparently my dad got him to take a nap! Wonderful. Franny can do it too. I think I'm going to write a post about Franny this week and how she is the most wonderful thing since ever. 

Vocabulary? Wonderful. He's funny. I can't even write the words on here because I feel like he says new things every single day. And we're always caught of guard. He likes the shock factor too I think. He actually said Grandpa the other day, but then wouldn't repeat it when we were all confused.

He also makes kissy lips now instead of just making the kissing sound. Outstanding!

Okay, now we must go watch View from the Top and CLEAN! To come this week: Franny, wedding, Gloria, I-han, maybe Marissa. And guess what?! In-laws are coming this weekend! WOOHOO! So, must get to the go.

Blog out.


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