We've been busy! Stephen got a new bike.
I made sushi with the mom.
And I took some Easter pictures of Ian.
We've also officially filed our taxes, sort of started the photography business, took a midterm, in the process of writing a paper and reading 3 chapters, and doing a project, working, having a poor sick baby, not cleaning the home, needing to write thank you cards, changing my name, trying to see friends, being a wife, mommy, and daughter, getting an early start on my mom's mother's day gift, getting Stephen a new bike, playing, playing, and playing with Ian, going to the park, going to the museum, cooking, falling behind on laundry, etc etc. I'm leaving a lot out. I'm amazed at how I get ANYTHING done! :)
But, I do love it. I get to hang out with my loves a lot. Does anyone want to be my personal assistant? I'm taking applications. I can only pay you with hugs and Ian's presence.
- Expect pictures soon, I get to steal my cousin for a day! She's amazing. She's also known as The Flower Girl.
- Expect more pictures! I get to take some pictures of my friend and her gorgeous daughter!
- Expect me to keep up with the blog until the semester is over... at least. Oops...
I've not checked in all week. You've been super busy! The Sushi looks delicious. Remember to take care of yourself too!