Monday, April 19, 2010

Mommy Goggles

Ian and I have been having so much fun lately! I had to leave him for over 24 hours to photograph a wedding in Houston (you can check it out at the Photography Blog). I wanted to cry, but alas, I resisted. And then yesterday, we went on another photoshoot to try and find places to take pictures. First stop?

Have you ever been to this place? It was completely fabulous. I can't believe I've never heard of it! There were peacocks EVERYWHERE!

And you could get pretty close to them. But sometimes, they'd yell at you. I had no idea they made those kinds of sounds.

Beautiful, right? Franny came along with us for the shoot. And her and Ian enjoyed looking at the fish.

It was a good time. I'm glad that Franny came along to help me out. Ian was running around that place like a crazy person. I'll, hopefully, make a post on the Photography Blog soon with the sessions pictures. Ian did try and rock it pretty hard too.

As you can guess, Ian has been amazing me daily, as usual. And he's so stinking cute! Especially when he Baaaaa's like a sheep. He's so serious about it. And tries so hard. It's hilarious.

I'll be (trying) to participate in the 10 on Tuesday, so check back for an update! And I really need to update the 101 in 1001, I'm falling behind.

Blog out!


  1. and franny is a genious for remembering the place:) and franny does not always wander around with her teeth sticking out saying fish

  2. I want to come next time!
