Monday, April 26, 2010

Mommy Goggles

Hello Readers!

It was such a beautiful weekend. We decided to go to Eeyore's Birthday Party this weekend, but then decided not to. Instead, we took Ian to Amy's Ice Cream and a really pretty park.

I should warn you... PICTURE HEAVY!!

(Ian eating Grandpa & his ice cream)

(Our table top)

(The delicious looking sign)

(Ian always looks so focused)

(Ian is ready to go hiking)

(Ian & Grandma)

(Ian walking on th trail like a big boy)

(I have no idea what they are looking at, but it looks really interesting)

(Wait... What's that?!)

(Pretty Bird!!)

And that pretty much sums up or weekend getaway. Until next time, blog out!



  1. love the pretty bird photo lol !

  2. Ian is the most handsome young man in all of Austin!
