Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

It's time for 10 on Tuesday. I think I forgot about it last week, but alas, I'm back with it.

1. What was/is your favorite live action (meaning not animated) kids movie?
The original Ninja Turtles movie. I should have Stephen get that for me.

2. What is a bad habit you have? Are you working on breaking it?
I have a bad habit of waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. And I'm always trying to break it. Any ideas?

3. Describe your father in 3 words.
Awesome. Smart. Funny. (When I first read this, I thought it said describe myself, oops)

4. Which character in the Breakfast Club were you most like in the ’80s?
No idea. I've never seen the Breakfast Club... and I was born in 86, so I was most like a baby.

5. Name 5 songs you know ALL the lyrics to.
Oh my! I don't know! I don't really learn lyrics to songs anymore. Cruisin song by Gwenyth Paltrow and Heuy Lewis and Betty Davis eyes sung by Gwenyth Paltrow. Those are both from the movie Duets that I've seen 100 times. Um.... three more!? I'm sure I know all the lyrics to a Rocket Summer song and a Paramore song. The Cure - Just like Heaven. Bam! 5 songs!

6. Do you make pancakes from scratch or a box mix?
Box... duh! And I usually make waffles, not pancakes.

7. What was your worst job ever? Why?
The one I just quit and because it was terrible. Parents, check out your child care facility thoroughly before putting your child there.

8. What was your favorite class in high school?
The one class with photography and photoshop. I can't remember the name. Plus, my teacher was uber funny. And later, I realized that Jackie was in that class.

9. Favorite summer guilty pleasure?
Going to the pool! Ian and I have been going every single morning. It's so much fun!

10. Please share your best money saving tip!
Best money saving tip.... hmm.... budget? Budget like mad! If you know where all of your money is going, it's really easy to cut costs and save where needed.


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