Thursday, July 29, 2010

Quick Ian Sequel Update

I thought that I'd give a quick update while I'm at my mom's and Ian is acting all weird and calm. (I'm actually going to bring medicine to Houston because it's very strange that he's being so chill). Anyways, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. It went well, everything looked good. We didn't really get to get a good heart rate on the baby because it wouldn't stop moving. Seriously, we'd hear a few beats, then it'd kick the doppler. We have a feisty one on our hands. The doctor asked if that was good enough for me, or if I wanted to wait and hear more, I was fine with that. Have I mentioned how much I love my new doctor? He's awesome! He's very funny and makes me feel relaxed. And he always makes sure I'm okay with what's happening before he moves onto the next thing.

He said he's hoping for a girl. He keeps referring to it as a girl and she, how hilarious if it's a boy. We find out next month! I'm super excited! It'll be Stephen's first doctor's appointment. He went to every single appointment with Ian and not one with new baby, what a change of pace. It's harder to go now too because of Ian. The one time I brought him with me, the nurses watched him for me because they're all in love with him. They actually asked me where he was the last time.... lol.

Ok, more later. Blog out.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

I'm writing this post on my very irritating lap top. I think I'm going to buy a new keyboard. Actually, my manufacturer doesn't make one, so it'd be off brand. But, at least I'd have all of the keys. They are only about 20 bucks.

Ah! On Stephen's computer now, much better. Anyways, before I start my Ten on Tuesday, I wanted to share with you my favorite part of the day. Most people would think it was this part of my day:

When Ian actually sleeps. And though, I must admit, this is a close second, it does not win the gold. Stephen and Ian sleep in the bed and I have been sleeping on the couch (it's the only place that helps my back). In the morning, Ian will wake up super early and walk out to the couch and climb up onto the couch with me. Sometimes he falls back asleep, sometimes he doesn't. I don't really care. But I love that first thing in the morning, he comes to the couch to cuddle. Then he'll usually say "tasty. tasty." Usually followed by "waffle" or "smoothie," you know, whatever he's in the mood for that particular morning... most of the time, both.

Sorry for the delay, here's my Ten on Tuesday.

1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re splurging?
At this moment in time, I don't drink coffee, which is usually a sin to say. I'm an avid coffee drinker. When I'm pregnant, not only am I not supposed to drink caffeine, but it makes me incredibly nauseous and I don't sleep for days. However, when I am drinking coffee, my average day is Folger's with creamer. When I'm splurging, it's Starbucks Coffee or Americano with cream.

2. What is your genre of books to read?
I read all types of books... all of them. But, I find that I really enjoy reading Sci-Fi. Yes, that surprises me too. I read an entire book yesterday consisting of that genre. It was great. Those are usually the books that I cannot put down. But, again, I'll read all types.

3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere?
Wherever my kids are, hopefully they stay together and hopefully it's wonderful. I imagine that I'll live there and travel with Stephen wherever we want to go. I'm not too picky. I know if it were up to Stephen, we'd go somewhere with a beach and we'd live like beach bums, I can imagine that.

4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked?
I took speech when I was 17, and I would have probably talked about soccer. :)

5. What word describes you best?
mom. That word really leaves a lot open.

6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc)
Surprisingly, Houston this weekend. We get to see the in laws, plus my sister in law and nephews! I'm pretty excited!

7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations?
It depends on who I'm talking too.

8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week?
One extra, non working day a week.

9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be?
Burnt orange and white and a longhorn named Bevo....

10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
All of the subjects, I'd teach babies like I do now, or elementary school. Or, I'd teach about babies to high school or college kids. Or, I'd teach anybody math. I could teach several different subjects.

That's it for today!

Blog out.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mommy Goggles

Ian has been up to a lot since last week, as he always is! We'll go ahead and use bullets for this post.

  • My dad has come to the conclusion that Ian is a vegetarian. After some thought, I agree. He LOVES fruit and vegetables. Given watermelon or ice cream, the boy would choose watermelon. He eats tomatoes by themselves. If I give him mac n cheese with hot dogs, he eats around the hot dogs. He really does not enjoy eating meat. I have to be very convincing for him to eat it.
  • I have a part time job and my mom watches Ian for me while I'm at work. Then, Stephen drops my dad off and picks Ian up. The only noticeable issue here is that Ian only gets to glance at my dad and not spend any time with him... and well, papa is his favorite. So, on Friday, of course Ian cried when he left my dad and the dad felt bad. Ian went to hang out with my parents for a couple of hours on Saturday night. They went to Barton Springs, they road the train, and they went out to eat. It was pretty fun, from what I hear. Here's a picture my mom sent me of Ian on the train, he looks so serious.
  • We have been trying to tell Ian that I'm pregnant and he's going to have a little sibling. I know he probably doesn't quite get it, but I'm hoping that by the time he's a little over 2, he won't be too shocked. I have a pregnancy book that shoes a baby in a mommy's belly, so I showed Ian that. And we tried to explain to him that there's a baby in there. Now, he'll point to my belly and say "baby." This morning, I told him that baby also loves kisses, so he kissed my belly. It was super cute.
I could go on forever about Ian, but we have some playing and cleaning to do.

Blog out.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monkying Around

I haven't written a post on just Ian in a while. So, here it goes! Lately, I've been trying to do new things with Ian besides swimming. We actually didn't go swimming at all last week, so we're going to go tomorrow morning if it's not raining. Anyways, BookPeople has storytime twice a week and Franny used to always try and get to me take Ian. I finally took him yesterday, and I must say, we are never going back again.You know when you take your kids somewhere and there's that one really disruptive kid? That kid was my kid. Ian has too much energy and is too loud for his own good. We never even sat down to read the book. Then, in the middle of the book, Ian decides to run right through the middle of the group screaming for some car book he saw. Not to mention, he was picking up books and throwing them on the ground. Then, he ran from me around a corner and I couldn't see him, luckily, I could hear him because he's obnoxiously loud. My child isn't even two yet! I guess it's good he get it out of his system before his sibling gets here, but I have this feelings he's just going to have an extra long "terrible two" phase. I have decided that if we try it again, we may try one at a library so that there are only books and no toys and things.

Other than that, things have been going quite swimmingly with the little one. He's still pretty little, but I'm sure he weighs 20 pounds now. I'm going to have to get lots of his pants together and give them to my mom to sew darts in for me because some of them just fall straight off. I must say, Ian never stops eating. He eats all day long. I have to go to the grocery store a lot to keep him from being hungry. And when he eats, he acts like I haven't fed him in a week. It's ridiculous. I think part of it is because he seems to have lost the ability to walk and only runs. That and he dances like crazy. And sort of music he hears and he's dancing a jig. It's adorable.

Ian's monkey genes are also kicking in full force. He's figured out how to climb everything. He climbs our desks daily and I now have to find a new place for things we keep up on our desks like scissors, markers, etc. And he tried to climb the entertainment center the other day, he didn't quite succeed, but he isn't far off either. He actually asked for help when climbing it... really?

I don't know if I mentioned this before, I'm sure I have, but he can open the doors, including the front door. So, we have to make extra sure to dead bolt the door when we're inside. Where does he learn these things?

He's been doing a great job of keeping me on my toes. And I must say, I'm never bored. This is why I can't ever do dishes or clean, because if I turn my back for one minute, he's into something else. And no, he still doesn't nap. Though, he did fall asleep in the car yesterday and slept for about 30 minutes, that rocked!

His vocabulary is growing daily and he's finally saying his own name more. I LOVE the way he says it, so I like this word substantially. Got to go play with cars now!

Blog out.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Concert in the Park

Over the weekend we attempted to go to Concert in the Park. It's really neat. We've never been. The Austin Orchestra puts on different shows every Sunday night at the park. We thought that Ian would really enjoy it, so we parked at my parents and walked on over. It sprinkled for about 10 seconds, so we stopped and got some frozen yogurt on the way. By the time we go there, we were told that they decided not to play. That was a bummer. Luckily, I packed Ian's swim diaper and bathing suit and walked on over to the fountain park.

At first, Ian just watched the water, then we thought he was getting brave because he ran right in. It turns out, one of his cars was in the middle of two water spouts... Ian ran in to rescue them. He did have fun hanging out with his grandpa though.

Stephen was having a nice time relaxing.

And eventually Ian and my mom went to go find some turtles.

It was a pretty fun trip. Hopefully this weekend, they won't cancel it and we'll get to see the orchestra play.

Blog out.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Odd Cravings

This pregnancy, I have been craving ridiculous things. I have decided to share them with you when I get them. Exciting, huh? Some of you may know that a while ago, I was craving watermelon, eggs, and mayo. This one is not weird, but it's pretty intense. I am craving: candy carrots, green beans, spaghetti squash, mushrooms, and asparagus! Doesn't that just make your mouth water? Let me clarify that candy carrots are not actually candy. It's what I call my mom's baked carrots. They taste like candy. I could eat them at every single meal... they are soooo good. So, if anyone wants to prepare that for me, I'm game. Just call me and I'll head over.


Ten on Tuesday

Happy 200th post day! I have nothing special for it. :)

For each of the following 10 categories, tell us which brand/product you use and why.
1. Cell Phone
AT&T. But, we're about to change over to T Mobile I think. It'll seriously cut our bill in half for the same plan.

Gmail. I'm practically a spokesperson for Google. But, I love gmail with all of my heart and soul. Everyone should use it. I've actually converted several people. :)

3. Toothpaste
Crest at the moment, but we are not loyal brand followers.

4. Car
I drive a very old Toyota Camry. I'm very dedicated to this car. I love it.

5. Writing Utensil
A pen? I really want to try Sharpie's new retractable pen just because it looks awesome.

6. Lotion
It's not in front of me, so I don't know.

7. Interior Paint

8. Soda/Drink
At the moment, A&W Root Beer. I can't drink caffeine, so this stuff is awesome! And addicting. Oh so tasty! but usually, juice or water of some sort. Stephen usually will get me different organic drinks from Sun Harvest. They are pretty tasty.

9. Laundry Detergent
All of our detergent is no scent stuff and sensitve for skin because we have one baby and another on the way. So, we generally use either Seventh Generation, Green Works, or All Free and Clear. We used Seventh Generation for a really long time because I found a super deal online and we got like a million containers.

10. Medicine.
Well, about a month ago, it was all Tums. But, my heartburn seems to have subsided, thank goodness. And now, just prenatals. I try and stay away from medicine unless I really need something. In which case, I take Tylenol.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Mommy Goggles

I always want to entitle this Mommy Googles, I might just do that.

Also, I'm thinking of making this blog public again.

I was going to type lots of captions for these pictures, but instead, made a storyboard. Ian was supposed to be napping and decided he wanted to ham it up for the camera instead. Notice, he's bossing me around in one picture.

This is what keeps me going every day. He's so stinking cute!! It's ridiculous.

Tomorrow is 10 on Tuesday and it's also my 200th post!! :)

Blog out.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Date Night!

Stephen won a gift card to McCormick's and Schmick's at work, so we got to go on a wonderful date. Before we left for our date, I made Stephen take a picture, he wasn't too excited about it, but alas, he took one anyways.

Then, we dropped Ian off at my parent's place and headed out. I was very pleased. We decided to try the portebello mushroom bruchetta, and it was Oh-So-Tasty! Stephen doesn't like mushrooms, but he ate it anyways.

Doesn't my half-eaten brushetta look yummy? Good, because it was.

Next, we ate lobster and crab bisque. Need I say, I always get bisque if they have it, anywhere. It's perhaps my favorite thing (you know, besides crawfish boils).

This more than hit the spot. It was extremely tasty. I really need to learn to make bisque of some sort, seriously. Anyone have a recipe?

Doesn't Stephen look like he's really enjoying it? He is. I could have stopped the meal there, but given it was an awesome date, we took it a step further. (Side note: I'm sure Jackie and I will be going there soon and getting bisque).

Our entrees came out and they were nothing short of amazing, well mine was, I can't speak for Stephen's. Stephen decided on the Surf and Turf.

Sorry the pictures are dark, I was trying to be discrete with my huge camera. Anyways, Stephen loved it and thought it was amazing. I doubt it compared to mine though! I got salmon stuffed with blue crab and spaghetti squash (which I decided is one of my favorite vegetables).

This picture doesn't do it justice. And, we should have taken After pictures of ourselves. I imagine we'd be sprawled out on the floor with full bellies.

I actually have a mommy goggles post for tomorrow, so check back!

Blog out.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Quick Update

I'm about to start making lunch, but I thought that I'd give a quick update. Yesterday I called my doctor because I was having really bad lower stomach pains, from about 3am to 9am. Long story short, they called me in and everything checked out okay, but I have keep an eye on it. My mom ended up watching Ian all day while I literally laid on the couch all day, until work. It was so nice. I even got in a 20 minute nap! The pains are gone today, so that's good.

Before the doctor's appointment yesterday, I had to drop Ian off at Stephen's work so that I could make it to the doctor. This morning, Ian woke up saying "agua" instead of "water." I'm guessing someone at work taught him because I never speak spanish to him, but they do at work.

I promise I'll try to start posting some substantial blogs... with pictures! I just haven't had the time. :)

Blog out.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

adventurous day

First off, my A key is completely gone and destroyed, thank you Ian. And my Y and B keys are still missing. I did get into a tiff with Stephen and told him next time Ian picked up his Kindle, I was just going to let him destroy it. This is ridiculous, it is very difficult to use the A keyless hole. This is one of those things I should put on shit my kids ruined, but it's on there. I should also incriminate his father for playing video games and letting Ian do as he pleases.

Speaking of Ian, his new favorite thing is to throw things away in the trash can. We have one of those that you hold your hand above and it opens, I'm sure it's fun.I just hope he doesn't throw away any toys.He also used my robe to clean up a spill yesterday, he's so handy.

I was going to write a lot more, but this keyboard is driving me nuts. Plus, I've been having stomach pains, so I'm just gonig to lay down and do nothing todau, besides watch  Ian.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kevin and Jason

I got the opportunity to have a shoot with my friend Kevin and his partner Jason. I must admit, I was nervous about the session. There are a few reasons, 1) I couldn't find any resources to help me out. I actually did find one, but it was not too helpful. 2) I'm not good at bossing people around during shoots, but I'm working on it.

The session was a success, I think. We even ran into my aunt while she was out for a run. Anyways, here are a few from the session.

I love how Austin has such amazing places to take pictures, it makes my job so much easier.

We then went to campus where they both graduated from.

It was actually quite fun running around campus and remembering our histories there.

Kevin just got his first teaching job, he'll teach the first grade!

I should have brought water. I always forget. I should just get a water bottle that I permanently put into my bag at all times. Texas is hot.

Anyways, our session was amazing and we all really enjoyed it. Hopefully, I can get them t heir pictures really soon.

Blog out.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

I went to bed early last night while Stephen "watched" Ian. My laptop is missing keys again... awesome. Anyways, here is the Ten on Tuesday from Chelsea's blog.

1. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
Oh, this is a tough one. I tend to avoid movies if I don't think that I'll like them. And lately, my movie watching has no been up to par. I've liked all of the movies I've seen within the last year. I'm sure that I've watched some anime with Stephen at some point (that's not Spirited Away), so we'll go with that.

2. Do you have a favorite Disney/Pixar film?
Yes! I love Monster's Inc, love it. I also am a fan of the Incredibles. As you probably already know, Ian's favorite is Cars.

3. Do you have a favorite movie from the 80s?
Recently, I was explaining to my family how I don't watch movies pre-90's or anything in black and white. And after Google just assisted me, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was released in 1990, so that's surely not the 80s. Apparently my all time favorite movie as a kid, Peter Pan the Broadway Musical, is from 1954, but it was restored and rebroadcast in 1989, so it counts. Peter Pan the Broadway Musical is my favorite movie from the 80s.

4.Are there any movies you saw more than once in theater?
Most recently in my life, Stephen and I went to see 300 a few times, that was before we had babies, or any real responsibilities...

5. What is one city/area of the US (or country you live if you do not live in the US) that you have not seen but would like to see?
Hm... I feel like I've been to many interesting states here in the US. Maybe I'd go to a more quiet state, like Utah.

6. What are your favorite toppings on an Ice Cream Sundea?
Ice cream, bananas, and chocolate. I'm pretty simple in this category.

7. How many proms did you go to? What color was your prom dress? If you went to multiple proms, what color was your favorite dress?
I went to two proms. The first one, I wore a purple dress. My second one, I wore an amazingly gorgeous teal dress that my dad's mom made for me.

8. Is there a sport or extra-curricular activity that you didn't get to try as a child that you wish you could have (piano lessons, ballet, etc)?
Nope. As I recall, I was in every single thing I wanted to be in. Eventually as I got older, my parents made me choose because things overlapped. But, I was pretty lucky.

9. How many siblings do you have? Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest?
I have 2 brothers and I'm right smack in the middle.

10. Do you feel like you fit in with your age group? Or do you feel younger/older than your age group?
I guess I fit in with my age group. Actually, I feel older. I have maybe 2 friends with kids so some of the others just don't understand my situation. I feel like I live a different lifestyle than most people my age (but I love it!)

Okay people, that's it for the Ten on Tuesday. I'm sorry that I forgot to post a Mommy Goggle's yesterday, maybe I'll make up for it next week.

Blog out.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday's Ramblings

I don't have an idea for today's post, so I'll just post some randoms that have been going on lately. Enjoy.

  1. Yesterday, I was cutting up and apple for Ian with an apple slicer. Short story short, I sliced my thumb. I really shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen anymore. Pregnancy clumsiness has taken effect super early this time. It's pretty ridiculous. I've had an accident with just about every single meal I'm cooking. And oddly enough, I've been cooking more... it's a weird cycle.
  2. Ian has a new laugh that he'll do after his normal laugh, it's a little scary sounding. But, we end up laughing even harder afterwards. He knows how to work a crowd.
  3. I'm working at St. Edwards Episcopal School right now, only part time. And I've learned something weird... it's very weird when there is a child in the classroom with a normal name.
  4. The summer needs to have good shows. They do not.
  5. Amy thinks my new baby is going to have lots of hair because I have lots of heartburn. Franny calls the new baby Ian2 or Ian the Sequel. Weird.
  6. Stephen's team, Netherlands, actually made it to the finals! I'm super excited. I want to win first place because the prize is a give card for a restaurant, which means, HELLO DATE NIGHT!! But, I hear that Stephen wants to win 2nd place because he'd rather have a gift certificate to Best Buy. Ugh. We'll see.
  7. I made some jello today, it was super tasty.
  8. Stephen knows that I can't drink caffeine and he did the big grocery shopping last week. Anywho, he bought me diet/caffeine free coke and some decaf tea! :) Yum!! I pretend that there is caffeine in it to help with the lack of energy, it hasn't helped so far, but I'm hoping.
I'll stop at 8. See you tomorrow readers.

Blog out.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I have an announcement!

Good day blog readers. I have an announcement! And you'll be the first to know!! ...well, after some family that is.

What is that in Ian's hand?? It's the first picture of his little sibling!! That was back at 7 weeks and I'm now...

12 weeks, 4 days!

That's right, I'll be in my second trimester come Saturday!! To tell my parents, I made them a picture frame. We made one for Stephen's parents too, but we just told them over the phone because we haven't seen them yet.

It is semi-safe here with us. :)

And I know you're wondering... when's this new baby due?

January 15, 2011

A January baby. We're pretty excited over here! I know some people have been wondering why I've been so blah and MIA, etc. etc. And this is my reason. I'm sorry! I've been SOOOOOO tired. <-- That is an understatement. Exhausted, but about 25 hours a day.

Keep your fingers crossed that I get that second trimester boost of energy... I really need it. I feel like I may have seen glimpses of it, but nothing too substantial.

Expect to see many more posts about this now that it's out.

Blog out.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. If given the oppotunity, would you choose a mediocre job that paid well or your dream job that paid poorly?
Is this a trick question? With my current major, I make a joke for money. So I guess the second one.

2. What is your favorite thing about the 4th of July? (For the foreigners: What is your impression of the 4th of July?)
Everything. It's another reason to get together with family in celebration. It's nice to be able to celebrate our independence.

3. What’s the most random fact you know about American history?
I don't know any random facts about American history.

4. What is the best fireworks display you’ve ever seen?
They are all pretty awesome. I don't think there's been a best one, in my opinion. I know that my dad has seen them from an airplane, he said that was pretty bad a.

5. Who taught you how to put on makeup?
Nobody. I don't wear makeup...

6. Have you ever gone through a financial planning process? Tell us about it.
I took a financial planning class, does that count? I don't have much to say about it.

7. What was your favorite outfit as a kid? Bonus points for pictures.
I don't think I had a favorite outfit... I know what I was really little, I just wore my brother's clothes because he was cool and I wanted to be cool. My little brother wore Power Ranger's costumes a lot. And sadly, no pictures on this computer.

8. Do you prefer a beach, lake, swimming pool, or no water?
Swimming pool. The beach is cool, but you get all sandy and it takes centuries for it to go away. The lake is cool also, but the ground makes me feel funny, so do the living things. No water is lame. So, swimming pools rock.

9. Do you recycle? If not, why?
A little. We could definitely recycle more.

10. What are your thoughts and feelings about the Twilight Saga?

None. I haven't seen/read anything about it.

This was a pretty lame Ten on Tuesday. But, tune in tomorrow for an awesome blog that will rock your socks completely off.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Mommy Goggles

This post is sort of about Ian, but mostly about the 4th of July. I was going to title this post "What goes on when Lisa goes Inside." You'll see what I mean in a little bit. And a warning, this post is picture heavy. I did make a few storyboards to lessen the blow.

We started off the 4th with a pool party at David and Lisa's new house. It was so much fun! Dylan really wanted to get in Ian's float, the following pictures speak for themselves.

As a side note, Stephen was unsuccessful at getting Dylan out of the float. He actually had to get out of the pool to get it off. Dylan is a little bit over sized for the float, but only slightly.

Dylan and Marissa were constantly fighting over Ian's attention. They would be outrageous to try and get it. We really need to go over there more often. It wore Ian out. Everyone seemed to have a really good time. And most everyone got it at one point and Lisa was a little bit worried that we were going to over flow the pool.

I took several pictures and then put them all together in attempt to make a panoramic. I like how it turned out.  It looks pretty awesome to me. Shortly thereafter, Lisa went inside. And since she wasn't there, we figured that rules could be broken. Aaron took it upon himself, as he always does, to be a rule breaker.

Shhh... don't tell Lisa. :)

After we left David and Lisa's we went home to take naps. Actually, only Stephen and Ian napped, I showered and prepared for the night's festivities. For three years now, we have gone out to the park/lake to watch fireworks. We bring tons of food and have dinner and snacks while waiting for the fireworks.

Ian ran like 2 miles while we were there and flirted with tons of people, it was really embarrassing.

I wasn't prepared for the above picture. But, I love it so much!! That's such a cute smile, with his tongue out and all. After that, it was time for Ian to refuel.

Ian loves corn so much. He was ready to go again. This is the beginning of his really long, running adventure, but this also marks my attempt at sun flare.

Ian had a blast. When the cannons went off before the fireworks, Ian would say "momma dadda" over and over again. Then, he would run to me. When it stopped, he would say "papa" and run back to my dad. It was really funny. Maggie was also scared and she was sitting in Aaron's lap, hilarious. During the fireworks show, Ian would say "boom," "ball," and "flower" depending on what shape they made. His eyes were huge and I don't think he blinked. But, the show was wonderful.

I couldn't find a piece to my tripod, so I cried some, then I just hand held my camera during the show. Don't worry, next year will be better. This next picture is priceless, look at Ian's face. This is also the last picture. I have to go now, Stephen has a day off so I'm going to make a tasty breakfast!

Blog out!!
