Sunday, June 5, 2011

What have we been up to?

A lot. Let's get some bullets going on here.

  • On a really sad note, we had to put down my childhood dog. It was really sad, my mom and I cried the whole time. She was a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Labrador mix and was 15, going on 16 years old. She was falling down when walking, having multiple accidents, not getting over her illnesses, so on and so forth. So, it was time.
  • Ian is in full blown potty training. He's in underwear (Grandma and Grandpa brought him some Thomas ones yesterday that he LOVES). We've been staying in a lot because of that, next, we'll have to get him to go on the potty in public... should be interesting.
  • Mila is doing fantastic. She now covers her eyes when she is trying to sleep and it's adorable.

  • Hanging out in Amy's pool. Mila will go underwater and not cry at all. Ian is still terrified, but swim lessons start next week, so wish me luck!
  • Last night, Stephen, the kids, and I joined Aunt Amy and Jasmine for some Bat fun. We went to see the bats! We thought it was ridiculous that none of us had ever gone before.
  • We help daddy with the yard...
  • And we've had a few bbq's, with only a few incidents...

  • Stephen has installed a new garage door opener because our last one broke. This one is safer anyways. It has the little laser things and all that. And we have a keypad now too, which is nice. It's really quiet too. Which, I both like and don't like.
  • I finally framed the picture of Ian kissing Mila and it says "Love you, from the bottom of my heart" It's really cute.
  • Still trying to decide what I want Cathy to make me over at her Etsy shop. And she's pregnant now, so I feel like I need to place my order soon! I want something that says "the Bendig's"... but that's all I know.
I'm sure that I'm leaving several things off, but we've been busy around here! Sorry that I haven't been updating. I rarely turn my computer on. And my phone app wouldn't upload my last entry.


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