Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Tuesday

Good Tuesday Bloggers!

There is no Ten on Tuesday today because Chelsea had her baby! Go check him out in all his adorable-ness: Roots and Rings.

I'll just give you some fun facts today, ten of them.

1. I've been asked about how to say Mila's name. It is pronounced Mee-la. Stephen's mom reminded me last night that my soon-to-arrive niece's name is Lela, so that'll be adorable! We'll have to get a picture of them together sometime. :)

2. Stephen found these cinnamon roll cookies and I'm going to make them one day when I get the change. Not only will my taste buds be exuberantly happy, but it might also give me a heart attack. I think it's worth it.

3. My friend Jackie started a blog: Hungry for More. It's really cute. She writes about food and shopping and such, it's muy interestante, if you're into that thing.

4. It's raining. Apparently a tropical storm or something hit and now we have rain! I'm so happy right now, it's not even funny!

5. I'm calling the orthopedic in 4 minutes to try and schedule Ian an appointment.

6. This is my first full day of work. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

7. I paid rent on the 1st of the month and my apartment still hasn't made it go through. This drives me insane. I pay online too, so I figure it should go slightly faster, but it does not. Sometimes, it takes them two weeks and we're already being paid again. HOW RIDICULOUS IS THAT?!

8. I wish I could drink coffee. I'm super tired this morning and could really use a pick me up.

9. Ian is watching Curious George. Also, he crawled out of bed this morning, then asked for help. I don't know what he thinks he was going to do. I bet that by tomorrow, he'll be walking, or trying to walk. I sure hope that the orthopedic can fit us in today.

10. I just found out that the doctor doesn't open until 8:30. It would have been nice if they had that yesterday. However, they apparently left their phones on when they were in fact, closed all day long. Isn't that great? And no, their hours aren't posted online.

Okay people, that's it! I'll post something tomorrow, hopefully substantial, or maybe pictures of a colorful cast that's signed by Ian's loving family and friends?! Or maybe a jubilant baby in a walking cast? Though, I doubt that'll be feasible, but a girl can dream, right?

Blog out.


  1. girl! make those cinnamon roll cookies! my grandma has been making them since i was teeny! my family's name for them are rookies (rolls and cookies) :) they are DELISH :)
